Securing Self-Integrity Over Time: Self-Affirmation Disrupts a Negative Cycle Between Psychological Threat and Academic Performance
Binning, K.R., Cook, J.E., Purdie-Greenaway, V., Garcia, J., Apfel, N., & Sherman, D.K. Journal of Social Issues. 2021; 77: 801–823.
A Psychological Intervention Strengthens Students’ Peer Social Networks and Promotes Persistence in STEM
*Turetsky, K.M., Purdie-Greenaway, V., Cook, J.E., Curley, J.P., & Cohen, G.L. (2020). Science Advances, 6(45).
Self-Affirmation Facilitates Minority Middle Schoolers’ Progress Along College Trajectories
Goyer, J.P., Garcia, J., Purdie-Vaughns, V., Binning, K.R., Cook, J.E., Reeves, S.L., & Cohen, G.L. (2017). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(29), 7594-7599.
Feeling Left Out, But Affirmed: Protecting Against the Negative Effects of Low Belonging in College
Layous, K., Davis, E.M., Garcia, J., Purdie-Vaughns, V., Cook, J.E., & Cohen, G.L. (2017). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 69, 227-231.
Prevention of Stress-Provoked Endothelial Injury By Values Affirmation: A Proof of Principle Study
Spicer, J., Shimbo, D., Johnston, N., Harlapur, M., Purdie-Vaughns, V., Cook, J., Fu, J., Burg, M.M., Wager, T.D. (2016). Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 50(3), 471-479.
The Psychology of the Affirmed Learner: Spontaneous Self-Affirmation in the Face of Stress
Brady, S.T., Reeves, S.L., Garcia, J., Purdie-Vaughns, V., Cook, J.E., Taborsky-Barba, S., Tomasetti, S., Davis, E.M., & Cohen, G.L. (2016). Journal of Educational Psychology, 108(3), 353-373.
Changing Environments By Changing Individuals: The Emergent Effects of Psychological Intervention
Powers, J., Cook, J.E., Purdie-Vaughns, V., Garcia, J., Apfel, N., & Cohen, G.L. (2016). Psychological Science, 27(2), 150-160.
Deflecting the Trajectory and Changing the Narrative: How Self-Affirmation Affects Academic Performance and Motivation Under Identity Threat
Sherman, D.K., Hartson, K.A., Binning, K.R., Purdie-Vaughns, V., Garcia, J., Taborsky-Barba, S., Tomassetti, S., Nussbaum, D.A., & Cohen, G.L. (2013). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104(4), 591-618.
Chronic Threat and Contingent Belonging: Protective Benefits of Values Affirmation on Identity Development
*Cook, J.E. , Purdie-Vaughns, V., Garcia, J., & Cohen, G.L. (2012). Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 102(3), 479-496.
An Identity Threat Perspective on Intervention
Cohen, G.L., Purdie-Vaughns, V., & Garcia, J. (2012). In M. Inzlicht & T. Schmader (Eds.), Stereotype Threat: Theory, Process, and Application (pp. 280- 296). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Recursive Processes in Self-Affirmation: Intervening to Close the Minority Achievement Gap
Cohen, G.L., Garcia, J., Purdie-Vaughns, V., Apfel, N., & Brzustoski, P. (2009). Science, 324(5925), 400-403.
Improving Minority Academic Performance: How a Values-Affirmation Intervention Works
Purdie-Vaughns, V., Cohen, G.L., Garcia, J., *Sumner, R., Cook, J.E., & Apfel, N.H. (2009). Teachers College Record, September 23, 2009.